
web hosting mistakes

Avoid These Web Hosting Mistakes Before Choosing the Best Web Hosting for Your Website

When you are about to launch your very first website into the Internet, it is important to choose the appropriate and proper web host, as this web host will provide you with a fast, efficient server and more, to give the best user experience possible. But just before choosing this, there are some things to be considered, as well as some mistakes to be avoided.

These mistakes include:

  1. Choosing A Free Host:

Free hosting is good for your website, but it can cause problems on your site in the long run. Some of these problems include:

  • The free host could place inappropriate and unsolicited advertisements on your site.
  • When your website grows(which is bound to happen), you may not be able to scale your site.
  • Some certain scripts may not be able to run.
  • Slow loading speed or problems with SEO and site responsiveness may be encountered.

For example, let’s look at It is a very renowned, blog-building platform, but its free hosting plan places limits on WordPress hosting software, hence they reserve the right to place ads on your website.

The bottom line is, if you pick a free web host, this could be done at the expense of control over your site, making you end up with a service of lower quality than expected.

Consider reading Web hosting- a guide for beginners

  1. Not Understanding Your Options

Next, before you start, ensure that properly aware of your hosting options, and what they entail. Two main types of web hosting are in vogue these days: dedicated server hosting, and shared server hosting.

With shared server hosting, it involves sharing server hardware and other resources with other site administrators and users. This is usually cheaper than the dedicated hosting, but among its disadvantages are latency and reliability problems, especially when other sites sharing the same server have high demands.

With dedicated web server hosting, you get to host your site on its server, without sharing with others. This offers greater flexibility and speed, but it is more expensive than the traditional shared server hosting.

Knowing this, it is necessary to consider your needs before choosing between these two hosting types.

Go through Types of web hosting services

  1. Overlooking Security Needs

When choosing a web host, one of the main things to consider is the security of your website and its data. Ensure that this is something not thought about hastily; look for a web host that offers you standard security features such as data backups, protection against DDoS attacks, and well-monitored data centers. If your site will be collecting any sensitive information i.e credit card info and passwords, a secure and dedicated web server will be very vital.

  1. Not Testing Out Customer Service

As long as your website is hosted on the Internet, there is a good chance that you need the help of the customer service at one point or the other, to fix a certain issue or two. If the web hosts or provider’s support service is down i.e. slow, not easily accessible, not operating as it ought to, this is a red flag, as it means you’ll have to struggle through your problems on your own.

Many times, they claim to have 24/7 customer support, but it may not be that case. Hence, test their customer service, say once or twice, before signing up with the host. Do some inquiries on their services, while trying out options such as live chat, phone, email, etc.

  1. Choosing The Wrong Hosting Package

When you already have a host or two in mind for your site, one of the common mistakes made is picking the wrong hosting package. A wrong hosting package is one that doesn’t suit the needs of your website. This can be prevented by paying attention to the features in each plan and package. Some of the cheaper packages may not include an SSL certificate, domain privacy, email support, and some more than your business would require. These cheap hosting plans, however, are recommended for websites that are just starting.

  1. Picking A Host With No Refund Guarantee

Sometimes, even when you have considered the security, customer services, and packages for a hosting company, there may still not be a guarantee that they are the right one for you. Hence, it is good that you also choose a provider with a refund policy or a money-back guarantee. This would ensure that if you change your mind on your hosting choice, your money wouldn’t be thrown away.

What’s more, if your site experiences growth with time and you require a change in web host providers your needs can be accommodated. This sense of security is very important, especially for a beginner.

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However, ensure that you check the refund policy, and understand their terms and conditions. Some hosts, for instance, may offer only a refund after a certain period, while others offer a pro-rated refund and not the entire package cost.

So there you have it; the most common mistakes that a lot of people make when choosing a web host, and usually occurs during the first time. You’ll have an edge and be free of regrets, when you know about these mistakes, as it’ll help you make an informed choice.

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